Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eating habit and life style - main contributing factors in Cardiac rehabilitation program

Eating habit and life style - main contributing factors in Cardiac rehabilitation program (English Translation of Article Published in Lian He Zao Bao -- April 11, 2010)

Consultant interventional cardiologist Dr V. P Nair (Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre) said that high levels of lipids ( cholesterol and triglycerides) as well as saturated oils and trans fats in the food are bad to our health. They can cause elevation in blood cholesterol level, increase the chance of coronary artery blockage and therefore lead to heart attack and stroke. Eating habits and life style are the main contributing factors in cardiac rehabilitation program.

Many middle aged people would have already been suffering from heart diseases which may be silent in some cases. The most common heart diseases are coronary artery diseases (leading to heart attack), septal defects (holes in the heart), valve diseases, arrhythmias ( heart rate irregularities), heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy and myocarditis) , hypertension 9 elevated blood pressure), heart failure (water in the lungs)and thyroid heart disease( too much or too little thyroid hormone).

With different types of heart disease, and modern life style, Dr V. P Nair (Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre) pointed out that in general there is an increasing trend of heart diseases, especially coronary heart disease. However, with early detection through health screening, better control of risk factors, and advanced technology , cases of coronary artery diseases can be reduced. But as the general population is getting older, all types of heart disease, including arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, diabetes induced coronary artery disease and degenerative heart disease, will still be increasing. Dr Nair said, “hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, obesity, lack of exercise, stress and family history are the main risk factors (cause) of coronary artery disease.

Change in life style and eating habits
Through regular checkups, once a person is found to have heart disease, he/she must change his/her life style and eating habits, engage in more regular exercise, quit smoking, eat wisely and avoid being obese. People suffering from hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes must control their condition well in order to be healthy. Dr Nair advises patients with heart disease to manage their stress through exercise like Yoga, Taiji, and family outing etc as it is good for their health.

Dr Nair described a 55 years old patient with heart disease. He said, “when the patient came to see me, he was having severe chest tightness. Symptom radiated to his neck and arm. He had nausea and he was also sweating profusely. . He also suffered from hypothyroid heart disease treated him for 3 years. He also suffered from other problems like renal disease, chronic backache and spinal disease . He used to smoke 50 cigarettes per day and drink alcohol occasionally. He has family history of hypertension, diabetes and coronary artery disease as well. I performed coronary angioplasty which showed severe blockage of two heart arteries ( coronary arteries). I treated him with balloon angioplasty and two medicated stents (drug eluting stents). After the surgery, he exercises regularly and controls his diet well, and he is now living in a very healthy state and happily working.

He also gave another case, “another patient who is a bus driver. He suffered from heart attack when he was only 28 years old. He was a heavy smoker, loved meat and eggs, and also has family history of heart disease. One day he had severe chest pain and fainted at home. He was diagnosed as a case of heart attack after ECG and blood tests. , His blood cholesterol especially the bad cholesterol (LDL) was very high, but HDL (good cholesterol) was low, his triglycerides level was also elevated.. He was treated with bypass surgery ( CABG) for him. After he was discharged from hospital, I advised him to change his job, quit smoking, start regular exercise, and take care of his health. 10 years later, he had another heart attack; I did coronary artery ballooning with stent inserted. He recovered well and is still living healthily.”

Dr V. P Nair said that prudent eating habit and healthy life style are the main contributing factors in cardiac rehabilitation programme. High cholesterol, saturated and trans fat in the food are bad to our health. They can cause elevation in blood cholesterol level, increase the chance of coronary artery blockage; and therefore lead to heart attack and stroke .

Exercise 3 to 5 times a week
Across all parts of Asia, the prevalence of obesity and type II diabetes continue to climb. The numbers of obese children are increasing, and all these are risk factors for future heart attack. Dr Nair emphasized that we must see the importance of exercise. It is an effective way to reduce weight and prevent heart attacks. Aerobic exercises, like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, riding bicycle, dancing, games etc, are good in improving the health of coronary vessels and overall heart condition. In addition, weight lifting, carrying dumb bell, and push-up are good ways to train both skeletal and cardiac muscles. We must maintain weekly exercise 3 to 5 times a week , and 30 to 60 minutes each time in order to be effective. Relaxation in any form is good to control stress and anxiety.

Sexual life post recovery
Will people who had suffered heart attack continue to have normal sexual life?
Dr Nair said, as long as patients pass the initial phase of recovery, they can continue to enjoy sexual life. “Many people think that after heart attack, sex may cause further heart attack and even death, but this is incorrect. However, anxious about sexual performance and depression are the main factors influencing their sexual life.”
Patients recovering from heart attack usually will experience different degrees of depression, and it is quite normal. Usually 85% of suffers will be free of symptoms of depression after three months. Regular medications, exercise dieting and relaxation will certainly help them to get over this problem.

Mailing Address of Dr. V. P. Nair,
MBBS, MRCP-Ireland, MRCP-UK, FAMS (Cardiology-Singapore)
Consultant Cardiologist
Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre, 3 Mt Elizabeth, #16-08, Singapore 228510
Tel no: 62359226/8 Fax no: 62354509
Email: lordsiva@starhub.net.sg

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